Predictions and Trends for the Security Industry in 2022
, Technology
In this dynamic world where everyone is trying to be ahead of time, it becomes important to keep up with changes. People getting more and more concerned about safety makes the security industry push its limits and develop new and better solutions. Out of everything, safety is everyone's priority and no one likes compromises in that territory. Here’s our list of trends to watch out for in the security industry in 2022.
Artificial intelligence-powered Video Analytics solution will be all-pervasive
Authorities and Enterprises alike have started recognising the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and have incorporated it as an assisting hand in the decision-making process. AI-powered video analytics finds its application in wider case scenarios like traffic management, municipal operations, asset protection and perimeter/zone monitoring to name a few. Moreover, enterprises can also get the solutions customised according to their needs and benefit from the technology.
With the AI-enabled video surveillance solutions, operators will be able to take every little detail into account, which is not possible with the naked eye. They’ll be able to analyse videos accurately and foresee things using predictive analytics and machine learning in real-time.
Cloud-based solutions will be the future
Like AI, cloud-ready video surveillance solutions are gaining momentum globally. Enterprises, big or small, are leveraging cloud-based solutions and services that offer them a holistic approach and maintain efficiency throughout all the operations. Every enterprise seeks platforms with minimum setup investment, zero manpower for infrastructure maintenance and smooth management. Cloud-ready solutions let the users keep a check on their businesses in real-time at any time and any location, get quick security alerts and quickly respond to emergencies, all with a mobile client.
Cybersecurity will remain significant and become more efficient
Many mischievous and dangerous elements might want to take advantage of enterprises and have their eyes on the critical video data. A sudden cyber-attack might pose a financial burden and threat to the entire organisation. Enterprises and authorities need to safeguard their data from miscreants.
2022 is the year when cybersecurity will be one of the top priorities of enterprises. They will invest in solutions that will safeguard the critical data with an indestructible cyber defence against attackers and hackers and predict and respond to active cyber attacks in real-time.
Solutions offered by Videonetics keep data and information security as an integral part of their architectural design philosophy. Powered by DeeperLook™ Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Deep Learning (DL) Framework, each of the solutions adheres to industry-standard cyber security norms, encryption and authentication. With cloud-ready state-of-the-art products and solutions, Videonetics offer you solutions that make businesses gain better operability and increase efficiency.
Companies are working round the clock to build a worry-free world. It would be really exciting to see what the future holds for us. Let the time speak.
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